Firmware Capabilities Protocol

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Not all 3D printer firmwares are created equal, and even within the same firmware version, the enabled features can vary significantly.

In the past, host software had to either make assumptions or send additional commands at startup designed to probe the firmware for information about enabled features. We needed a better way.

This protocol provides a reliable method to determine which features are available, allowing the host software to make intelligent decisions about machine control and user interface.

Protocol definition

Each line in the Extended Capabilities Report has the following format:


Each line starts with Cap: followed by the capability name (in all-caps with underscores), a colon, and a 0 or 1 to indicate whether the capability is available or not. A complete capabilities report should include all the capabilities listed on this page, including all those that are not implemented in the firmware build.

To reduce build size, a firmware may print a minimal report, only listing the enabled capabilities and leaving out the rest. Most of the time, if the firmware only reports its available (1) capabilities, the host can assume the rest would have been reported as unavailable (0).

That said, there are some circumstances where the firmware could still support a capability that it fails to report. For example, the firmware may have been built before the capability was defined. In the case where a capability is unreported, the host is free to use other techniques (e.g., analyzing `M503` output, testing for an "Unknown command", etc.) to check whether the capability is actually supported. This should only be required for older firmware builds.

Developers can freely add new capabilities. The only requirement is that the name be distinct. And it must be added to this page to be considered a "known" capability.

Currently-defined capabilities


The firmware supports high-resolution arc and circle moves with G2 and G3.


The firmware supports auto-leveling with G29.


The firmware will auto-report the SD Card status, using M27 S to enable and set the interval.


The firmware can automatically report temperatures. This feature must be enabled by M155 S[interval] so hosts won't get redundant reports from both M105 and this feature.


The firmware can automatically report the current position. This feature must be enabled by M154 S[interval] so hosts won't get redundant reports from both M114 and this feature.


The firmware can do Z babystepping with the M290 command. It may or may not be able to babystepping on the XY axes also.


The firmware can receive a Binary File to save on its mounted media with M28 B1 <filename>, completed with M29. See firmware documentation for usage.


The firmware supports setting the progress percentage with M73 P, required to show progress for host-based printing on the machine's display.


The firmware supports setting the case light brightness with M355 S and values 2-255.


The firmware has support for a Chamber thermal sensor.


The firmware supports the M503 C command to export the build-time configuration to the SD Card / Flash Drive. (See Marlin's description of CONFIGURATION_EMBEDDING for details.)


The firmware has support for a Cooler thermal sensor, for a laser or other device that needs active cooling.


The firmware supports M20 F to list all ".bin" files on the firmware-mounted SD Card / Flash Drive.


The firmware sends signals to allow hosts to warn about an open door. The messages are:


The door state message may optionally be prefixed with "echo:".


The firmware is compiled with EEPROM support.


The firmware supports immediate execution of commands M108, M112, and M410. With this capability M108 can be used to break out of M0/M1, M109, and M190.


The firmware can do Z babystepping with the M293 and M294 commands. If the firmware also has EMERGENCY_PARSER then the babystepping will be asynchronous.


The firmware supports M20 L to include long filenames in the file listing.


The firmware can send //action: commands to inform host software that the machine has paused or is resuming SD-based printing. The following commands should be handled by the host:

pause The printer wants the host to pause.
pause filament_runout T0 The printer wants the host to pause for filament runout. The tool is optional.
paused The printer has paused SD printing.
paused filament_runout T0 The printer has paused SD printing for filament runout. The tool is optional.
resume The printer wants the host to resume.
resumed The printer will resume SD printing.
cancel The printer wants to cancel host printing.
start The printer wants the host to start.
poweroff The printer wants the host to kill the power.
filament_runout T0 The filament ran out, with optional tool. **DEPRECATED: Use pause(d) filament_runout**
probe_rewipe Bed probing failed, so the firmware is trying again.
probe_failed Bed probing failed so the firmware is stopping.

The firmware has M415 to help hosts to recover from an interrupted connection or power loss. See the M415 description on the G-codes page for full details.


The firmware can control a Laser with M3, M4, M5 commands.


The firmware supports M420 V to report the stored leveling (mesh or matrix) data.


The firmware supports long filenames in commands that create and delete files such as M28 and M30, and also commands that open files such as M23 and M32.


The firmware supports long filenames via the M33 command (used to asynchronously update the user-visible portion of a host-side file browser).


The firmware supports the MeatPack stream compression protocol by Scott Mudge as provided by the MeatPack OctoPrint plugin.


The firmware supports motion modes for G0, G1, G2, G3, G5, and G38, and adds the G80 command to cancel the current motion mode. With motion modes the firmware only needs the parameters for subsequent moves following one of these common motion commands.


The firmware can mount different media volumes via M21 P<id> and possibly M21 S (SD Card) and M21 U (USB Flash Drive). Under this protocol only one volume is mounted at a time.


Currently all commands are parsed in order with the exception of some emergency commands. These are executed as fast as they get detected. The problem is that they stay in queue until they get handled in correct order to provide the "ok" for host in right order to not confuse host.

Now there are cases where you need to send multiple "emergency" commands like M876 to navigate through e.g. filament change. When you need to purge several times the buffer is full and firmware does not react any more on host navigation.

There are also commands where it would be nice if they work out of order as well because we do not want to wait like babystepping or which are just informational and do not need to be executed in order like M105. Imagine being able to send M115 during slow homing and get updates.

So this is where this extension kicks in. It is designed to be fully backwards compatible to existing hosts. The idea is to have a list of codes that can be executed out of order. These commands get removed from input queue once executed and hence free the input buffer.

Sequence is as follows:

1. Report in M115 the capability for out of order execution:


2. Wait for host to confirm it understands the extension and send supported codes:

M876 S1
out_of_order:M108 M112 M290 M876

Mark feature enabled on the source serial port. When multiple ports exist not all ports may support it. The host now has a list of all codes that are handled out of order. That way the list can be extended any time without requiring host changes.

3. When an out of order command is sent to a port that supports it, it will be executed and confirmed. For example:

ooo M290

Out of order commands should be sent with no line number. That would cause problems for the sequential line numbering of regular commands. With the "ooo" instead of "ok" host knows the emergency buffer is ready and it is safe to send the next out of order command.

Race Condition: When opening a connection to the board doesn't reset the connection the firmware might have out-of-order enabled while the connecting host does not, and expects an "ok" instead of "ooo" response. To help solve the issue a call of M115 should disable out-of-order automatically until the host reenables it on next seeing the OUT_OF_ORDER capability. As long as the host sends M115 before any out-of-order commands this will solve the race condition.


The firmware allows parentheses comments within G-code lines.


The firmware allows quoted strings to be used as G-code word parameters and as "the string argument."


The firmware supports the Print Job Timer commands M75 Start, M76 Pause, and M77 Stop.


The firmware supports the progress protocol:

  • M530 S<printing> L<layer> - Enables explicit printing mode (S1) or disables it (S0). L can set layer count.
  • M531 filename - Set the filename being printed.
  • M532 X<percent> L<curLayer> - Update current print state progress (X=0..100) and layer L.

This allows a host to enable a special information mode on LCD display, so users see progress in percent, model being printed, layer being printed, and total layer count. (Hosts can also use M117 to show time remaining on the LCD status line.)

This feature should only be enabled if a display is available to show it, otherwise the extra commands are useless.


The firmware supports the ability to interact with the host and provide notifications and prompts for users on the host side.


The firmware can repeat sections of G-code marked with the M808 command when the firmware is running the print from an SD card. This is useful to reduce G-code size when repeating objects on belt printers.


The firmware is configured with a Filament Runout Sensor that can be enabled/disabled with M412. It may or may not be able to initiate filament change with M600.


The firmware can print from an SD Card (or USB Flash Drive). If this capability is absent, use SD commands to check for SD capability.


The firmware can write to the attached media using commands M28 and M29, and may also log incoming commands with M928.


The firmware supports serial XON/XOFF handshaking.


The firmware supports enabling/disabling power with M80 and M81.


The firmware has thermal protection enabled. Hosts can use this item to warn users of a potential fire hazard.


The firmware can control a Spindle with M3, M4, M5 commands.


The firmware supports turning the case lights on/off with M355 S1 and M355 S0. (May also support setting case light brightness with S values 2-255.)


The firmware supports Volumetric Extrusion with M200 T D.


The firmware supports single point Z probing with G30.